
Confessions of a Single Girl

Every girl wants their own version of Sex and the City.
Maybe not the sex in the city, but the idea of Big Love, the friends, the clothes... the SHOES

Who do you like better, Big or Aiden?
Recently I have been watching season four with one of my close girlfriends
I have decided I want to find my Aiden... Not so much my Big...

but my confession is:
Sometimes we are so worried about finding our Big or Aiden...
We forget to find our Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charolette.

I am going to stop worrying about my Aiden, he will come...
I am going to find my girls, and hold them close to my heart! I already know who they are...
Lets add to all the memories we have started!

"Trends come and go, but friendship never goes out of style"

1 comment:

  1. I just love love love this post!I have to agree, I want my Aiden, Big's good for what he is, but Aiden is a companion-lover. Big is the one that makes you question your importance to him, with Aiden there isn't a question.... Though, it would hurt if Aiden had certain "Big" qualities, wink wink!


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