To those of you that actually read this thing
I am sorry I haven't been around.
Not that you rely on this blog for any reason, but I do.
And I am not sure why I have lost my voice
Not literally, just haven't felt the urge to write.
Which to be honest, I don't like that
I don't want to be driven to words by sorrow
I don't want to rely on my thoughts when only times are tough
I am somewhat of a blog addict
I read other blogs everyday
I find them to be inspiring, motivating, maybe even an escape
I love to see what these people are doing, even if I don't know them, or they are thousands of miles away
A lot, A LOT, has been going on in life
No excuse, I had big plans to really start finding a purpose for this blog
And eventually it will come
I just need to find that voice again
One that feels like what I have to say
good, bad, happy or sad
is worth ME hearing
As much as this place is one for me to tell others how I feel
I really want this to be a place for me
A place where I can sort out all the thoughts, dreams, goals
I have for ME.
So I hope to be hearing a lot more from me
on here...
7 years ago